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About Me

Welcome, I’m Rachel. I’m a mum of three grown kids, a dog mum, wife and musician. I’m also a huge nature lover (friends call me a tree hugger!), walker and traveller. I have always been interested in nature from spending hours in my parents’ shed as a child setting up my own world wildlife trust group to trying to be as environmentally friendly as a can as I grew up. Over the years I’ve discovered a real love of being outside outdoors through hiking, gardening and travel, which I have been able to nurture so much more in recent years. I’ve lived overseas in the US and Belgium which was a wonderful experience and I now live in Northamptonshire. I think that our love of travel has rubbed off on our offspring as both our boys are now working in the travel industry!

I can be found most weekends hiking or travelling, making silver jewellery, writing or reading about adventurers or entertaining our Air BnB guests. I am also working on my PhD and running women only walks and get togethers with my local branch of ‘Love Her Wild’.

I hope you enjoy reading about some of my adventures and find my pages helpful for planning your own trips or even taking the plunge to do some independent travel as an older woman. Links to equipment or organisations (which are my own tried and tested rather than any affiliated links) are within the respective pages or I am building a separate link page.